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About us

Children's Charitable Foundation «Ordinary Miracle» («Obyknovennoe Chudo») provides comprehensive services and supports to families with infants, toddlers, and children with disabilities in Tomsk region, Russia, since 2008. It was started in 2006 with the charitable action of one of the local television company named “TV2”.

In the meantime annual charitable marathon “Obyknovennoe chudo” has supported more than 280 families. The foundation also provides several social projects aimed at the families’ psychosocial rehabilitation and re-education.

One of the projects names “Chudo-ecology” (“Wonder-ecology”) and it supports young people with disabilities to design and implement their own ecological projects. It also includes the ippotherapy classes for children with special needs.

The other one, «Otkrytyi Mir» (“Open world”), provides an opportunity to visit different local enterprises to study how it works and find a place to work hereafter. This project also makes it possible for them to see the zoos and circus and call on other cultural event in Tomsk and other Siberian places.

The latest project “Chudo-theatre” (“Wonder-theatre”) enabled children with special needs to make their puppets and play a part in the special performance made with the kids and professional actors from famous Tomsk puppet show.

But in its principal activity “Obyknovennoe chudo” foundation is still a provider of support to the families with children with special needs to cure the kids and gain effective seasonable aid and rehabilitation to them. To save their lives.

Contact Us

It’s important to us to be available to our wonder-families, partners, and the public. Please use the following contact information to connect with the office to meet your needs.

Please do not send unsolicited materials or items of any kind to the «Obyknovennoe Chudo» Foundation. The foundation has no obligation to review, accept, or return such unsolicited materials.

5 Krylova Str. (post box 1436),
Tomsk, Russia 634069
+7 (901) 611-13-11
+7 (3822) 211-311


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